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Rishikesh, India

Yoga School

Best Yoga School in RishikeshSanatana Yog Sandesh - By the grace of the highest truth, Sanatana Yog Sandesh expresses itself as “A Traditional School of Tantra and Applied Yogic Science”. The word “Sanatana” means continuity and eternity whereas the word “Sandesh” connotes message. Therefore, Yoga at Sanatana Yog Sandesh is, exactly as it was and as it shall ever be. Sanatana Yog Sandesh serves the spirit of Yoga in its unadulterated, unmodified and unaltered form according to the needs and limitations of an individual irrespective of his/her caste, creed, cult, religion, nationality and what so ever. We as channels let the spirit of Yoga flow in its natural way. Our sojourn and work together will facilitate a way to all of us to be practically helpful in our daily life to enjoy all human needs such as food, sleep, sex, myriad relationships and dynamism in activities etc.

Registration under Government of India - Sanatana Yog Sandesh is a registered enterprise under the central government of India, New Delhi. This allows us to practice our work according to the norms of the government of India.

Our journey and the Place of practice - The school started its independent practice in 2016 at Fort Cochin, Kerala, India. Since then a considerable number of courses and retreats have successfully been organised in India as well as overseas. At present, we operate from RishikeshUttarakhand, India nevertheless, the courses and retreats are organised at different places in India as well as overseas. International Courses and Retreats are done only at prior request made and proper arrangements provided. The school does not own or rent any specific building. For the courses we depend on the premises of other organisations. We make sure, we maintain the requirements of the participants wherever we organise the courses and retreats.

About Rishikesh - Rishikesh is a very ancient and one of the holiest places situated at the bank of the holy river Ganga. This has been the abode of great Swami Sivananda who systematised the obscure ideas of Yoga practically applicable to the modern time. Thousands of people from all parts of the world come to visit Rishikesh for pilgrimage, Yoga and meditation.

Our Yoga programs - For more information please view our Onsite and Online Yoga ProgramsWe offer  various Onsite & Online Yoga Programs which combine ideals of Tantra and different branches of Yoga such as Hatha YogaKundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga etc. in theory and practice. They are -Best Yoga School in Rishikesh

  • Onsite/Online Fundamental Yoga Teacher Training Courses (200, 300, 500 Hours Hatha YTTC) - For everyone interested in Yoga practice and teaching.
  • Onsite/Online Advance Yoga Teacher Training Courses (300 Hours Kundalini, Kriya, Raja and Bhakti YTTC) - For experienced Yoga practitioners, spiritual minded people and practising teachers of Yoga.
  • Onsite/Online Fundamental Retreat (Yoga, and Meditation Retreat - 10, 7 Days) - For everyone interested in Yoga and Meditation.
  • Onsite/Online Advance Retreat (Women, Children and Yoga Therapy Retreat - 10, 10, 21 days) - For everyone interested in Yoga, Meditation and Health.
  • Discourse on Tantra and Yoga - For people interested in lectures, speech, talks, interviews and conversations on life and spirituality.
  • Yoga With Rohit Kumar - All Onsite/Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Retreats.
  • All the above Yoga Programs at International locations also.

Best Yoga School in Rishikesh

Our Tradition - We adhere to the teachings of authentic schools of Yoga and spirituality such as Ramakrishna Mission, Sri Aurobindo SocietyYogoda Satsang Society of India, Sivananda Ashram, Bihar School of Yoga and so on. These schools follow the age-old traditions of Yoga and spirituality. In our teaching, we offer beautiful amalgamation of the teachings of these authentic schools which help the students to learn and grow with right education. For better explanation, please look into Tantra and Yoga. We approach Tantra and Yoga as possible human phenomenon divorced from mysticism, occultism and narrowness of science. We see the whole ambit of Yoga relating to human biology. We see Yoga as a way to cosmic experience which governs and moulds the total range of human existence to experience more than the limited perception. Nothing in and about Yoga for us is a surprise nor anything into and about is mere belief. Our approach is, “Yoga beyond limited range of perception”. Therefore, we invite all of you to study, learn and grow as an evolved human with the help of Yogic tools.

Why choose us - Our courses and retreats are strictly traditional and Yogic life-style oriented. From our educational, cultural backgrounds as well as experience of authentic Yoga, we create a unique space for the opportunity to learn, heal and grow in a congenial, safe and relaxed environment. We believe in the common values of life rooted in compassion, kindness and love to one another and this is our main driver. Therefore, our promise is to provide you with the very best of pre and post course assistance, answering all your questions whatever comes up and more that you may require for your growth and well-being. We do not teach any modern trends of Yoga such as Iyenger, Ashtanga, Acro, Yin, Vikram, Power or so on. Therefore, when you join us, you know very well that our education is exactly what we need for our evolution in all regards.

Best Yoga School in RishikeshEmblem Defined - The outer circle in red colour is symbolic of physical body (Sthula Sharira) and Conscious State (Jaagrat Avastha). Numerous blue lines from the outer circle to the smaller one of astral body (Sukshma Sharira) and Sub-conscious State (Swapna Avastha). The smallest circle in saffron colour of causal body (Karana Sharira) and Unconscious State (Susupta Avastha). The AUM (ॐ) at the centre in the diagram stands for the Highest Truth (The fourth state -  Turiya; Super-conscious). Therefore the ideal of the emblem is that in order to reach the highest truth, one needs to transcend the 3 layers of existence and awareness.  The idea in another way is that the life goes smooth when the harmony of the three layers of bodies and of the qualities of nature (Sattva - Peace, Rajas - Activity and Tamas - Inertia) is established. The Physical, Astral and Causal are also indicative of  the three major branches of Yoga; Physical - Karma Yoga, Astral -  Bhakti Yoga, Causal - Jnana Yoga.

The piece of verse in Sanskrit (सत्यं परम् धीमहि - SATYAM PARAM DHIMAHI) is culled from the greatest of all the PuranasSrimada Bhagavatam, Canto - 1, Chapter - 1, Verse - 1. The Sanskrit words, सत्यं (Satyam) means truth, परम् (Param) means the highest and धीमहि (Dhimahi) means think, meditate or contemplate. The complete meaning of the piece of verse in Sanskrit is that "we think on that Highest Truth".

Best Yoga School in RishikeshAccreditation - Sanatana Yog Sandesh is certified by Yoga Alliance USA and Yoga Alliance International which provide the chances to use the certificate for career and job opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course students are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance USA as Registered Yoga Teachers (E-RYT).

Best Yoga School in RishikeshInclusions – All Onsite Yoga programs fee include Accommodation (Shared & Private rooms), Course material (books, notebook, pen, Jala Neti pot), Private Yoga consultation, Vegetarian food (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) and Wi-fi etc. All Online Yoga programs fee include study only.

Exclusions – All Onsite Yoga programs fee exclude Flight tickets, airport pick up and drop, longer tours and trips around, travel and cancellation insurance, medical assistance and things for personal requirements. All Online Yoga programs fee also exclude all of these things.

Things to do – Camping, Hiking, Meditate at holy Ganga beach, Ganga Aarti, Waterfall, Ayurveda massage, Shopping, visiting ancient temples, ashram, holy people and Rishikesh city.

How to arrive (Airports) – New Delhi International Airport (IGI) located around 240 km from Rishikesh, Jolly Grant Domestic Airport Dehradun located around 20 km from Rishikesh. From both airports cab/car services are available to reach Rishikesh at our school. If you wish we may organize your transfer to the centre at reasonable fair.

Best Yoga School in RishikeshAbout Fee and Booking Terms - The school offers different Yoga programs. For exact information about fee, please refer to the relevant pages of the concerned programs.
  • The payment of fee is non-refundable.
  • If an individual after payment is unable to join the desired program/course/retreat, then alternatively we can consider (only in the exceptional situation) the payment done as advance payment for the similar course/retreat/program that he/she or anyone else like near relatives/friends etc. might attend in the future.
  • Anyone with financial limitation may request for payment in instalments or some relaxation in the mentioned fee. This is done on individual basis only after proper conversation about the detailed circumstances of the individual.
  • Regarding fee, International means people living/working outside India, NRI means Non-resident Indians living/working outside India and Indian means people living/working in India.

Hereunder are different programs with fee -

1. Onsite Teacher Training Course

2. Onsite Retreat -   Best Yoga School in Rishikesh
3. More Activities -
There are various prices for different classes and courses in this category. Therefore click the links below for information about fee and other details.
Hereunder is the general schedule for Yoga courses and retreats which is tentative and subject to any considerable change which the school deems necessary according to the present need and circumstances such as time period in a year, weather, particular Yoga course or retreat and so on.

General Daily Schedule - 
  • Best Yoga School in Rishikesh5.30am to 7am - Personal practices, morning walk, personal study etc. (Recommended ones)
  • 7am to 7.15am - Herbal tea, some kind of healthy and needful drink etc.
  • 7.30am to 9.30am - Practical Session
  • 9.30am to 10.30am - Main Meal time
  • 10.30am to 11.30am - Rest
  • 11.30am to 12.30/1pm - Theory
  • 1.30pm to 2pm - fruit/fruit juice
  • 2pm to 3.30pm - Lecture, practice and Vice-versa
  • 3.30pm to 4.30pm - personal cleaning and Karma Yoga
  • 4.30pm to 6.30pm - Theory as well as Practical training
  • 6.30pm to 7.30pm - Dinner
  • 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Kirtan, Chanting, video shows, personal time etc.
  • 9.30pm/10pm - Going to bed
The Kirtan and Chanting session between 7.30pm to 8.30pm is an optional session but participation of everyone brings a distinct harmony among all of us.
Best Yoga School in RishikeshAttention - Each course/retreat is different so we have separate program and information regarding them. Therefore, please look into the information regarding each program attentively. During the Yoga program and your stay, we provide the basic comforts and facilities needed for study. The charges for the programs are affordable and maximum of this goes in meeting the expenses that we have.

Accommodation, Yoga Hall, Food, water, Electricity, Internet, Telephone, Laundry, place and around - Please see AccommodationFor more details please look into Orientation guide in Download.

Location on Google map and hints to get at the Yoga School etc. - Please visit Contact and Orientation guide in Download
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