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Prashant Jivan Darshanam Yoga Retreat India

Prashant Jivan Darshanam Yoga Retreat India

The Sanskrit word “Prashant” means absolute peace, “Jivan” means life and “Darshanam” means vision or to see. Thus “Prashant Jivan Darshanam” means Vision of life for absolute peace or vision that bestows absolute peace in life. The retreat envisages the teachings both theory and practical of a great personality “Baba Shantananda” who preached in India for 14 years, and for the last 16 years he has been living a secluded life in the Himalayas.The purpose is to spread the wisdom so people can help guide themselves.

How it goes -  People can directly visit the place where Baba Shantananda lived and preached. At present Naresh ji; a direct disciple of Baba Shantananda lives there and guides the aspirants. There is no fee for any teaching. People are provided free food, stay and teaching. But it is important to know that it is only open to men for now for several reasons. We are trying to organize this for woman also but this will take time. The place is very remote and staying there is almost like living as primitive people.

Apart from that there are worldwide coordinators who have received this knowledge. They teach for the sake of service only. They can be personally contacted for the teaching. According to their nationality, place, circumstances and so on, they can decide how to organize the retreat. In any case no teacher is allowed to receive any fee for the teaching. However voluntary payment for the sake of respect and offering in exchange of teaching is accepted.

Worldwide Coordinators - Very soon we will add more names and contacts of the coordinators who can be contacted for the lessons.

  1. Elliott Newhouse (USA) - Mobile and Whatsapp – +
  • Good command on English language as this is the medium of education.
  • The retreat is open to everyone who have ample perfection in Hatha Yoga practices and wants to follow up Yoga as means for transcendental awareness.
  • Sound health physical as well as mental is a requirement however if there is some health issue, this should be intimated to the school before registering for the retreat.
  • To be able to hold a posture of meditation for at least half an hour without any discomfort.
  • To be able to follow the ethics of the ashram,
  • More importantly long time practitioners who want experiences of causal level to be a guide to themselves and others in this path.
  • Specific asana, pranayama with mudra, bandha, specific mudras, specific methods of concentration - as taught by Baba Shantananda etc.
  • 72 gospels of Baba Shantananda. (the gospels are originally in Hindi. Please see Download page with english transliteration and translation).
  • Explanation of each practice according to the guidelines suggested by Baba Shantananda.
  • Karma Yoga - Karma Yoga is an integral part of the Retreat.

Relevant Yoga Books for Prashant Jivan Darshanam Yoga Retreat -

Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Raja Yoga - Swami Vivekananda or

Four Chapters of freedom - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Gospels of Baba Shantananda - A small booklet that compiles 72 basic teachings of Baba Shantananda. 

A total of 6 weeks. The first 5 weeks is for 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space) and 6th week is for the mind and intuitive level.

The daily schedule for Prashant Jivan Darshanam Yoga Retreat is tentative and subject to change according to need. All classes are held for 6 days in a week.

  • 5.30am to 7am - Personal practices
  • 7am to 7.15am - Herbal tea/Drink
  • 7.30am to 9.30am - Asana, Pranayama followed by Relaxation
  • 9.30am to 10.30am - Meal time
  • 10.30am to 11.30am - Rest
  • 11.30am to 12.30pm - Lecture
  • 1pm to 1.30pm - fruit/fruit juice
  • 2pm to 3.30pm - (Meditation, Relaxation: Lecture and practice and Vice-versa)
  • 3.30pm to 4.30 - personal cleaning and Karma Yoga
  • 4.30pm to 6.30pm - (Asana, Alignment and Adjustments: theory and practical training, teaching practices)
  • 6.30pm to 7.30pm - Dinner
  • 7.30 to 8.30pm - Kirtan, Chanting, video shows, personal time etc. (This is an optional session but participation of everyone brings a distinct harmony between all of us)
  • 9pm - Bed time

Address -

Shantananda Jnana Yoga Ashram

C/O Secretary - Sadhaka Naresh ji

Village - Mirjapur, Post Office - Vidyapatinagar,

District - Samastipur

State - Bihar, Country - India

Postal Code - 848504

You may fly to the domestic airport Patna (Jaiprakash Narayan Airport). From the airport either via bus or train you may come to Samastipur. Or you can come via train until Patna or nearby city Samastipur and from there ashram via local auto or car at the given address of the ashram.

There is actually no proposed date for the retreat. You just need to contact and request for the retreat. At present time-period, first contact Sadhaka Naresh Ji at his Mobile+Whatsapp - +91-8789059858 or +91-8051285965. If he accepts the invitation then, you may visit the Ashram for the retreat or stay in the Ashram. 

Like a specific date there is actually no fee for the retreat. If you wish to give something voluntarily then this is accepted as help and support.

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