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Rishikesh, India

My name is Rumy Bozhkova. I from Bulgaria. In 2018, I graduated into the 200 Hours Kundalini Yoga TTC. Along with other classes in philosophy and anatomy, the meeting with Rohit Kumar who led the Kundalini Yoga classes was special for me. An exceptional person who impressed me with his deep knowledge of the subject he was teaching. My experience being his student is that, he is an exclusive Yoga man who applies everything learned with love and understanding. He inspired me to continue my studies as well as giving me the confidence to teach. The natural tranquillity that radiates, the gentle smile, the clear way of expression: all together Kundalini Yoga classes led by Kumar were not only eagerly awaited by me but by the other students. His classes were not ordinary classes, but inspiring conversations, profound revelations, incredible meditations and Kundalini practices. The knowledge gained in his classes is fundamental to me and the basis of my future knowledge of Kundalini Yoga. I look forward to the next meetings with him and the opportunity to be his student again.

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