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Rishikesh, India

I always remember the day I met Rohit’s eyes for the first time.  It was in the Ayurveda Yoga villa in Kerala in July 2014. It felt like we already knew each other long before we met. I surrendered in deep trust. I am practicing Yoga for almost 40 years, but following yoga classes with Rohit felt so different, much deeper, much purer but also familiar. For a Western woman, Yoga classes are really heavy and the intensity is overwhelming. For me Rohit’s classes were Yoga as it should be, back to the essence! After each Yoga class with Rohit, I felt different more free in body and mind, sometimes with painful muscles because of my enthusiasm.Yoga with Rohit is going further than the material world. It is meeting the universe, the unknown becoming less unknown. “Yoga is more than doing Asanas and Meditation. Yoga is changing your way of life, it is returning to your inner most being and becoming satisfied and free.” This is what in short I could receive from the bulk of what flowed from Rohit and his presence.

cropped Sanatana Yoga Sandesh 3

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