Greetings from Maryland, USA! My name is Elizabeth Sebastiao. I had the pleasure of going to Rishikesh, India to be a part of the 200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. While in Rishikesh, I met a simply extraordinary teacher, Rohit Kumar. Yogi Rohit Kumar Ji taught Kundalini Theory and Practice in a way that was fun and engaging. I enjoyed his humour and kindness throughout the course/classes he taught. In my opinion, Rohit was very patient with everyone in the class and quite thorough with the material he taught. He was able to describe concepts and give many examples to help the class understand everything we learned during the 200 hours course. I loved that he was so interactive during his teachings and would ask the class questions and help us with studying.
In Rohit’s presence, I felt that he was and is a very humble and genuine soul. He radiates positivity and sees the good in everything. His smile is one that is contagious and he really does have the nicest hair on a man I have ever seen. I’m not sure what exactly he does with his hair, but it is gorgeous.
If you ever have the pleasure of taking his class or being in his presence, please give him a hug for me. I enjoyed his teachings so much and learned a lot from him inside and outside the classroom. I would like to see him continuing on this path to share his light and knowledge with as many people as he can.
Peace and love,