Hi! We are Dominika and Naser from Austria. We attended Kundalini Yoga Training and Tantra workshop where we met Rohit Kumar and were trained under his honest guidance.
As a teacher, Rohit is very empathetic. He can convey the content very well and is responsive to the students’ own skills. He gives everyone the time to get into a yoga position and stay in it. The language he chooses is easy to understand, but if we haven’t understood something, he takes his time to convey the content accurately. He has opened a very pleasant and quiet room for the practice. We experienced him as a very respectful teacher. Rohit made us feel that we were right in everything we do. He supported us when necessary and gave us time to find out yoga positions. In the individual exercises, he guided us but also let us find out where our limits are. It was very important to him that we could take something from the yoga practice. He is a person who meets you at eye level and appreciates everyone equally. On an individual level, we have realized that he is living what he is learning and that his practice and teaching are honest. On collective level, we have had the experience that he teaches more awareness in the everyday life of his students.
During the Tantra workshop, unlike apprehensions ours and general, we felt very comfortable. It felt like a sacred ceremony for both of us in which we approached each other carefully, respectfully, and honestly. He created a framework into which we could truly see each other for the first time in our togetherness. The method that we learned in the workshop, we started to practice in our everyday’s encounter. Rohit has given us a very important key to meeting each other. He held the room and accompanied us into the honest process without becoming personal even in the least.
We thank Rohit for this experience and for that great time we spend together. we hope to see him again and learn further.