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Rishikesh, India

We are Anne & Stefan from Germany. We came to Rishikesh to find a Tantra Teacher to deepen our senses in our Relationship. Fortunately we found Rohit Kumar. He invited us for 5 private morning Tantra classes to his home at Tapovan.

At his place, the atmosphere was always warm and welcoming. Rohit is a great teacher with many years of practical experience and a lot of theoretical knowledge. He has warmhearted, sympathetic and attentive personality. So he always noticed what we needed.

The class was always well structured. He led us from Asanas, over some meditation practices into deep feelings for ourselves and our partnership. Though the practices were on some points very in time and included deep hugging and kissing, we never felt uncomfortable. Rohit has a great way to lead you deep into your feelings and senses.

He is friendly, funny and full of spiritual wisdom. He also offered us to pay less, if we could not afford the full price. We achieved a lot during the practice and we will never forget the moments we shared with him.

Rohit is the perfect teacher for couples with the aim to learn more about their bodies, emotions, senses and the feelings of love and sexuality.

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