I am Anita from Italy. I attended Kundalini Yoga Training in 2018 where I met Rohit Kumar. From the beginning Rohit kidnaps your attention with his deep knowledge and passion. In his class, t is easy to learn even if your English is not perfect. Thanks to his way of teaching and the attention he has towards all the students. Even if his students come from all over the world, he knows how to make him understood by everyone. There is something special, magical in the way he talks and explain spiritual topics and you can feel it. He really take care about you and he always give you an answer. You can feel free to discuss with him because he has an open mind and he can accepts different opinion from his without any judgment. Humour and great spirit characterise his lessons for which it is impossible to get bored. Rohit is one of the best teacher I ever had in my life and I am grateful to have met him. I will always keep Rohit and what he has taught us in my heart. Thank you so much!