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Rishikesh, India

“I received great help through Yoga in many ways and even now I live because of Yoga”
“I am a yogabhyasi (Yoga Practitioner) only, I serve all the knowledge I have without reserve”

Rohit Kumar (Founder of Sanatana Yog Sandesh)

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar was born in Bihar, India.  As a youth he had many questions about life growing up. Questions concerning an effective way to achieve balance, maintain peace and some tangible experience​s​ of life. Being exposed to Yoga and Meditation at a very young ageRohit gravitated towards Tantra and Yoga. Studying both Yoga and academic studies in college, he began to see the amazing and profound benefits Yoga has to offer. Through his course of studying Yogahe gained valuable insight into how to live life in harmony with nature. Inspired by the life Yoga gave him, he could not help but share this wonderful knowledge. Filled with love in his heart, he gives the knowledge he knows sincerely and teaches from a place of  compassion. He has visited several places to disseminate the principles of Yoga and its practices. Most of these teachings were in the Southern part of India and some countries of Asia. While living and traveling to many countries of the European Union, he experienced how Yoga could be implemented into different walks of life to people from different parts of the world. He witnessed first hand how Yoga therapy could serve as an effective method no matter the age.

In the professional standard of Yoga education, he is an ERYT 500 Hours. However, he studied multiple subjects both in Yoga and academics. Rohit holds a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. He also obtained a Bachelor of Law from Indian Universities.
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